Minecraft 1.20.6 Mods

Building Gadgets

Building Gadgets is a fantastic, quick-build, mod that adds a few tools for easy lines of blocks, or walls, or surfaces, or even stairs. The Building Gadget is ...

Torchbow Mod

The Torchbow Mod gives you the ability to fire and place torches from a distance with the Torchbow. All you need is it in your inventory with a stock of torches...

Packing Tape

The Packing Tape mod allows you to move entity blocks like chests, machines, and even spawners without disturbing any of the contents! All you need is the tape ...

Tool Belt

The Tool Belt is a nifty mod that condenses your inventory slots for tools into a belt you carry or wear with the Baubles mod. The standard belt adds 2 extra sl...


Comforts adds portable solutions for sleeping in Minecraft. If you need a quick spot to reset your spawn or just reset the time of day, this mod makes it super ...

Advanced Chimneys

Advanced Chimneys is a great decorative mod that adds a slew of new chimney options that are able to be constructed from seemingly every available block. If you...

Crafting Tweaks

Crafting Tweaks adds a bit more functionality to the standard crafting table. You can now manipulate all the blocks you place in a table with the click of a sin...

Goldfish Myth

The Goldfish Myth mod adds a single new fish to the game; a Goldfish. If you catch one while fishing you do have the choice to cook and eat it: Or if you thro...

Mob Battle Mod

The Mob Battle Mod introduces a series of wands that enable you to take control over who or what a mob attacks. The Enrager is the main wand that you simply cli...