Minecraft 1.20.6 Mods


The Waystones mod is a great and practical teleportation device that relies on physical totems or scrolls to warp to your destinations. The totems are inscribed...


The Gobber mod adds a new ore to the game to further enhance armor and weapons for your travels and adventures. It also adds a series of magical rings, staffs, ...

ItemPhysic Full

The ItemPhysic mod tweaks some of the animations and functions of various elements in Minecraft to have a more realistic vibe. It changes the way the player int...

Macaw’s Doors

Macaw’s Doors adds a bunch of new door varieties made from every wood type in the game. The doors come in all new styles to match whatever you need to fit...

Ring of Teleport

Ring of Teleport is a simple, quick-travel solution that can be used infinitely. The ring can only hold one location at a time but it can be cleared and reused ...

XP Tome

The XP Tome allows the player to store a maximum of 30 levels of XP in a a convenient book for easy portability. If you need to keep XP safe or simply want to s...

Pretty Beaches

Pretty Beaches is a mod that improves the physics of water after sand blocks are broken. Normally water will trail and stop flowing after a few blocks are broke...

Better Crates

Better Crates gives you 5 new storage options each with upgradable tiers from wood to obsidian. Each tier subsequently increases the allotted storage as well. ...