The Souls mod is an inventory storage mod that holds your items in an enemy mob (soul) that you have to fight in order to reclaim your items.
Once you die, the soul will be in the exact spot you died. So you’ll have to trek back to your place of death and confront it.
It’s a non-hostile mob until you start attacking it and once you do it won’t stop attacking you until you are dead again.
But if you should succeed in defeating the soul it will drop all of the items you had pre-death.
Why does this have a bad rating? This is one of the most brilliant mods I’ve ever seen. It allows you to get your stuff back, but depending on the severity of the death, it’s harder to retrieve! Brilliant!
I like this one, it’s kind of like Hollow Knight where you have to regain your lost items, armor and tools, like in Hollow Knight where once you die you have to fight your shade to regain your geo and soul. And it also gets stronger as you progress in armor and tool tiers, again, like in Hollow Knight, Adds the perfect challenge for when you are trying to get your loot back!