The Secret Rooms Mod adds a ton of new ways to hide or camouflage the entrances to your hideaways or stash. From invisible switches to hidden-in-plain-site trap doors, this mod makes it easy to keep a secret. And the key piece to this mod is the Camouflage Paste. Combine this with items from the game and hide your base, your loot, or whatever in between.
The Torch lever is the classic hidden switch. It looks just like a torch but acts like a lever. All you need is a torch combined with a lever in a crafting grid to instantly convert it to the torch lever. It’s super simple and the obvious solution to hiding passages; be it behind a fireplace, waterfall, or just the bookcase. Then simply clicking the torch will activate the redstone signal you connected it to just like a standard lever except it’s disguised as a random torch!
This mod even hides redstone connections within any block at all. The secret redstone will mimic any block it is placed next to or on so it can drastically limit the amount of space a standard redstone connection would take up. Essentially you could have an entire wall or floor be connected to redstone without even placing any redstone dust.
The ghost block is a fun one to make any block able to pass through while still looking solid and with no additional power or resources needed. You can make a hidden door right in plain sight or make a trap floor without needing anything but the block you want to disguise it as! You or anyone else will simply walk or fall right through these blocks.
Getting a little more complex with levers are the Secret Lever as well as the Secret Button. Like most of the other secret items with this mod, they will camouflage with the blocks around them but act as either a lever or button. So you can put a trapdoor or anything you would normally use with a button or lever then place one of these as any of the surrounding blocks. It will blend in and activate with a single click just remember where you placed it!
And combine that with the Secret Trapdoor, which functions just like a regular trapdoor except it looks like the surrounding blocks and sits flush with the floor or ceiling. This is great for hiding your passages without needing a big entrance. But it also works great for hiding traps for your enemies. This would work well with the Secret Pressure-Plate so an unsuspecting victim activates it without knowing.
The Secret Wooden and Iron Door camouflages doors to their surrounding blocks. It works great if you want to disguise the actual entrance to your lair like in the side of a mountain. Wooden doors will still be clickable as usual and iron doors still need a redstone current to open or you can use any of the secret items that also disguise themselves as regular blocks for added secrecy!
And probably the most useful item in this mod is the Secret Chest. It camouflages to its surroundings as well and easily hides your most prized possessions. So even if someone finds your secret room, at least you can hide your items within the room itself or really anywhere at all since it will take on the appearance of whatever block you choose.
If you need help finding any of your secret items or blocks then you might luck out finding a pair of Goggles of True Vision. These will allow you to see any of the secret blocks that have been placed but it will slowly degrade each time you use them so only wear them if you really need to.
Wow, cool idea! Although it is slightly like the mod Torch Levers…
I like this better than the torch levers mod
good disguised chest I like the bookshelf chest for placing books inside like real life
Now there are one way windows, secret redstone and ghost blocks.
I tried to make the crafting recipe, it didn’t work. Can you please explain how to get it to work?
a secret base is so hard to make
yes secret bases are hard to make
What is the dark blue thing called
why .jar file not .mcpack file?