Mutant Creatures Mod

This is a very neat mod that adds a whole new dynamic to mobs in Minecraft. It allows for rare but random spawns of mutated mobs. To spawn one manually this mod also adds a new potion, Chemical X, which when thrown at a mob will either mutate or kill it.


The mutations are both physical and in abilities. Each new mutant is now significantly stronger and has new, more powerful attacks. They could be considered boss mobs now and would probably work exceptionally well if implemented in an adventure mode game.


One neat feature is you can hatch mutant creepers that can become your minions to aid in your attacks. They function just as wolves or cats do and you feed them TNT for strength. But be warned their explosions, while meant to save you, will harm you if you are too close, although they won’t attack you like normal creepers.

Alternate Creeper Minion

Important: Before using this mod you must first install AnimationAPI.

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Mutant Creatures Mod, 3.87 / 5 (1379 votes)


  1. Hey i ALWAYS crash when the mutant creeper or enderman die. could u please tell me why it happens and i have put animation api into my mods folder but it does nothing. Please reply 😛

    October 27, 2014
    • Maybe the mod hasn’t downloaded properly delete it and download it again. If that doesn’t work I don’t know sorry.

      December 14, 2014
    • another possibility is your computer might not be strong enough to handle the death explosion of the mutant creeper, or the mass spawn of endersoul fragment entities might be too much for it.
      if it isn’t that, i don’t know what else it might be

      April 6, 2015
    • Try installing optifine, if that doesn’t work then i don’t know what to do.

      December 26, 2015
      • Optifine will make it worst

        December 25, 2018
  2. This is one of the best mods I have ever seen, and will always be my answer to the question ‘What is your favorite mod?’. And I couldn’t help but notice a spider mutant in progress, I can’t wait to see the finished progress, is already looks awesome, and it’s not even finished. I also have a suggestion: Since i know it’s probably really hard to make an animate those things, then maybe you could add a different version of Chemical-X that will give mobs perks, so that it’s like fighting a mutant zombie pigman, or a mutant witch, even though they aren’t gigantic and scary looking like the real mutants.

    January 19, 2015
  3. what potion do you use!

    February 16, 2015
    • it’s just a regular glass bottle filled in a cauldron… aka the water bottle. no need for any brewing

      April 6, 2015
  4. the mutant enderman seems almost un-killable right!?

    February 6, 2016
    • Not really, but he’s very tough!

      April 7, 2016
  5. the mutant creeper haunts me in my dreams, this is so sad, alexa, play despacito 3

    April 21, 2019
  6. what version is this mod, or what minecraft forge version should i download?

    March 9, 2024