Macaw’s Bridges

Macaw’s bridges is a mod that adds a series of intricate bridges made from every wood available in the game as well as an iron bridge. There are even glass bridges as well as stone bridges that can all be used as actual bridges or simply to replace the use of fences. This mod makes it so you don’t have to get overly complicated with the way you design any standard bridge between two points. They make for a more aesthetically pleasing pathway and take on the look of the wood types you use to build them. There are two basic components for building the bridges as well: the main structure piece and the end caps. You don’t necessarily need the end caps but they provide a visual link to the end of the bridge by bringing the rope portion down to the ground instead of leaving them as unconnected ends. And you can easily craft those end pieces by bringing an existing bridge section back into a crafting grid to change it to an end section.

The standard bridges are about two blocks wide and can vary in design depending on the type of wood you use. Each variety has a unique rope or railing and the walking platforms can also vary from spaced out planks to seamless connections. And the stone/brick, iron, and glass options will all maintain a connected look.

Rope bridges are a bit narrower and look more wild in nature. They also have end pieces that really tie them together wherever you place them. These would be perfect for placing in more wooded areas and would look great for jungle hideouts.

And Iron bridges are the only metal ones added to this mod and they have a very industrial look to them. These would be great to use if you are building factory styled buildings or warehouses and absolutely add some more modern aesthetics to choose from. The bridges added with this mod can easily be used to replace fences and wall caps as well as balconies and any type of overhang that needs a railing. This mod essentially eliminates the added need to craft fence posts or wall pieces as well as matching base blocks. Now you can instead craft your desired bridge section from whatever material is available and the fence or railing or rope is automatically part of it without needing to then add those fences or otherwise. Since this mod allows for each wood type to be made into a bridge it gives you the option for matching your world perfectly.

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Macaw’s Bridges, 3.48 / 5 (122 votes)


  1. I have been searching for something like this for my tree hut village 😉

    June 11, 2020
  2. can they go up blocks or they are always on the same hight

    May 21, 2021