Local Weather Mod

Have you ever thought that Minecraft lacked in the unexpected terror department? Are mobs not enough to keep you up at night trying to defend your precious hovel? Well maybe adding unannounced storms to your game is up your alley.

The Local Weather & Stormfronts mod adds a more realistic weather system than the standard rain and snow. It adds a series of storms ranging from hail and lightning to tornados and hurricanes. The storms will spawn randomly as rain and snow do but they will also spawn better in certain areas. Rain clouds will gather over areas with more water for example.

You can also manually call storms either with commands or the added Machine Block that can bring a variety of storms depending on what you set it to.

The mod adds some preventative measures like a wind vane and an Anemometer to measure the direction and speed of the wind. It gives you a forecast block to analyze what type of storm is near. And it also adds a tornado siren block to alert you of oncoming storms.

It’s actually quite a terrifying mod. Seeing blocks and animals swoop in the air in the midst of a wind storm might get you panicking a little more than if you see creepers nearby. You’ll also want to get below ground if you’re not on creative mode. The wind will catch you and drop you from dangerous heights if you get in it’s path.

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Local Weather Mod, 3.95 / 5 (1014 votes)


  1. I think it would be really cool if this mod supported tornadoes and hurricanes above F1 / Cat. 1.
    But overall, this mod is amazing.

    August 19, 2014
    • it does go over an EF1 but it’s very rare for it to happen

      June 13, 2016
  2. Same for me I have the mod in the folder, but it won’t say I have it on Minecraft! What do I do?

    December 14, 2014
    • extract items from the .zip folder, take the .jar files out of the folder where the extracted files went and cut and paste the .jar files into your mods folder

      December 23, 2014
      • Sorry I do not know how to do that, but thanks for trying to help

        March 1, 2015
        • just right-click the folder and you’ll see an option to extract the files into a folder of you’r choice.

          June 24, 2015
        • Or try this, right click and move cursor to open with. Then choose Java SE binary. If that doesn’t work, open with windows explorer, there may be an executable jar file of the mod, just copy that into the mods folder. Hope this works 👍

          November 27, 2015
  3. It only works for 1.7.10. read the description. Also note. All current versions of a mod only work for that version. they sometimes SOMETIMES work for multiple third number versions (like 1.7.10 will work for 1.7.2 sometimes or the other way but thats it and its rare in its own) Also currently nothing but TMI and a few other inventory editors are updated for 1.8 due to MCP not being done still.

    December 26, 2014
  4. I haven’t downloaded it yet; does it have tornadoes?

    February 8, 2015
  5. i cant use commands dose anyone know any to spawn the tornadoes and cyclones

    February 22, 2015
    • You could use the block that was shown in one of the screenshots Lachlan

      March 2, 2015
    • weather2 storm create F0 to F5
      weather2 storm create C0 to C5
      weather2 storm create rain. lightning. wind. hail. firenado.
      weather2 storm killall
      weather2 volcano create

      September 9, 2022
  6. I can see great potential in this mod…
    Corosus could add Humidity and temperature as factors in the weather, and it could affect different biomes. Rainfall measures could be a tool to show the precipitation of each biome and thermometers or humidifiers could be used in the measuring of possible weather to come. Corosus could also introduce brinicles in winter biomes, which decrease the yield of fish when fishing in those spots significantly. Rare weathher events like fire whirls, Catatumbo Lightning, Waterspouts (A.K.A: Water Vortex), Penitentes & Supercells (Especially Supercells).

    March 2, 2015
    • If I’m late on the conversation I’m sorry, but, did Corosus ever install brinicles or the rare weather fire whirls, Catatumbo Lightning, Waterspouts, Penitentes & Supercells. It really does sound like a cool idea and the factor with the fish. Im just saying…..

      August 12, 2016
  7. Does it happen naturally without any blocks put?,if so,then that will make the game ten times better

    August 10, 2015
    • yes

      August 27, 2016
    • It happens naturally, but it depends on the config settings.

      March 22, 2020
  8. Really cool mod except it destroyed my house I spent days working on due to my stupidity and calling in a tornado and a hurricane.

    September 19, 2015
    • I have to know what it’s like to get pulled in

      February 7, 2021
  9. is it possible to turn off certain weather forms like if I don’t want tornadoes can I turn that off?

    December 30, 2021