Mr_Crayfish’s Furniture Mod adds more than 80 pieces of furniture to Minecraft that can be used to decorate your home and garden. It comes with a wide variety of new tables and chairs that look significantly more streamlined and clean than the standard options. Everything included with this mod puts furniture more to the player scale and takes up significantly less space as opposed to the more creative solutions some players have come up with. Chairs and tables are more functional and can even be sat in if you so choose.
You make couches and sofas that look more like the real things as well. You can even make long or uncommonly shaped sofas by combining one sofa into another! They will automatically combine like stairs do so you can make corner couches or L or U shaped couches that fit in to any space. Plus you can add end tables and coffee tables that match the height of sofas. The great feature of the end tables as well as many other items of furniture included with this mod is the storage capabilities. With other methods of making end tables, you typically have to sacrifice space and resources to make them look right. With these they not only look aesthetically pleasing, they will even store a small amount of items within them just like chests!
You can create a decked out and functional kitchen with countertops, drawers and cabinets! All of these have storage slots as well which can seriously come in handy with food storage. You can now put those items in places they would typically belong instead of your normal storage spaces. There are even functional sinks that you can adorn your kitchen with and each cabinet and countertop come in all varieties of wood and stone to match your own builds.
If you want to improve already existing designs like you’d find in the mansion, this mod has you more than covered. Now you can upgrade the structures and villages that are randomly generated in the game to be a bit more sleek and modern with much more functionality added as well. Make your map rooms look more like a place you would actually gather at to discuss locations and planning and take existing builds as inspiration to the next level.
There are even a variety of blinds to adorn your windows with to block out light or let a bit of it shine in. They resemble standard wooden shades you’d find in many homes and simply need a right click to open and shut them. This gives you a bit more control over the lighting and atmosphere of certain rooms rather than relying on torches or lamps and lanterns.
And this mod even adds new fencing that can improve on the existing fence posts. Now you can add a bit more color and personality to your outdoor spaces and they tend to fit more with modern style homes as opposed to farms or ranches. There are outdoor chairs as well so you can take in the glory of the sunset or sunrise with furniture that fits more in the outdoor aesthetic. Plus there are even more realistic touches that this mod adds to make your homes more realistic. It adds mailboxes that have nine slots of storage so you can receive “mail” or packages if you want to simulate some sort of postal service in your world or you can simply leave them open for friends to leave you letters or gifts! It is a bit of a wholesome touch to add with this mod and gives the player some additional role playing opportunities.
The mod has to be installed on the server for the world to recognize the couches and other furniture. You can have the item… I think. You just can’t place it.
Yeah i tried that but it wouldn’t work
cuz they dont have the mod so other pc’s wouldnt recognize the file (mod)
u need a download for it it should say download file and when u click it then u should have
This is my most favorite mod ever, It really improved my house
This is the by far the best Mod’s I’ve come across. Im so amazed, Good Job!
Dude, nice!!! MrCrayFish’s channel taught me how to build a store-type system, and now he brings me furniture! I’ve always wanted to fill up all that empty space in my house….
hehe Agreed
I like this mod because it makes me want to hunt zombies. With the 2 new recipes for flesh and cooked flesh, I can finally not have to make a “Rotten Flesh Garbage” chest!
wow this is great no more rubbish stair chairs and pressure plate tables
Finaly ! This is What I call Minecraft Decorations ! I Will Download This Mod !
This mod is SOO epic and Very useful. This should be an update on Xbox and PC! 😀
What is the cooling pack for?
Putting your food in it and cooling it. I think.
OH wait you can get computers AND a tv 😀
the TV is awesome… hahaha… three whole channels 😛
I have the newest version of this mod and I love it. Unfortunately, I can’t place some of the items (couch, toilet, kitchen counter…).
Does anyone have any idea of what is wrong or what I can do to fix it?
reload a different world or try to reupload or download the mod 🙂
Doesnt show the textures 🙁
Is The Update For The New Furniture (washing machine stools things like that) out yet? i really need it to fill in the rest of my kitchin
and also GREAT MOD Ive used it for ages niw
This is an AWSOME mod and it makes my minecraft world look so much better!:)❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love this mod! its so helpful if u want a modern house or city…. I use this all the time
Good addition to have the Decocraft mod installed with it though.
I can watch tv!
this is awsome! i really get bored in the normal minecraft theres not much furniture.
(btw if anyone knows minecraft comes alive is 1.8?)
I love this mod it is everything that I wanted the they left out thanks:)!!!!!
If you get this mod ( which I highly recommend ) definitely try out these three items, computer, Telivision and toilet 🚽
This mod is epic. I like how it has functionality, and not just for show. But I keep loosing my achievements every time I log off. Still epic though!
I am only getting a bear rug, an aquarium and some other random stuff… where’s the other items? Has anyone else had this glitch? btw I’m a mac user
Omg! This is so useful when I’m trying to build a house in creative! I really love it, Its actually quite fun! 😀
Thanks for making this mod!
Now all you need is a beach towel, beach chair, and beach umbrella
How do you turn off the stereo?
This mod is great for a mod pack with food mods, smart moving mod, the car mods, and other stuff.
But please tell me how to turn off the stereo!!!!!!
This is the best furniture mod ever! I also like the community edition. I play with both the mods at the same time! 😛
where do you select the mod in the options?
can you tell us please how to enable it?cuz i want to spawn a couch
ya this mod is soooooooo cool. I built a whole modern house with this mod and all of my friends said that this house is: very good, pretty and that they would download this mod too. Soooooooooo I LOVE THIS MOD!!!!!!!!!
thank you Mr.Crayfish that you made this mod
this mod is the best i’ve ever tried and i highly reccomend it.
how do you put mail into other peoples mailboxes?
My absolute FAVOURITE mod, everything looks fantastic and its so fun to play around with everything. Thankyou Mr Crayfish 🙂
There are instructions for heaps of things in the recipe book
Could you add cutlery? Like forks, knives, spoons, plates, and what not?
Dude this is awesome but the best would be if you added cameras it would be the bomb i mean u can even make like a final map probably
We have it on all the clients and the server, and although we can make furniture we can’t place it. It just disappears. Other mods work fine on this server.
It Might Be Because its Conflicted with another mod?
This mod is the best! I love it, and true, mojang did forget to add furniture, because if they did, MineCraft would be more awesome
Ok…. help. 30 y/o mom trying to help her kid figure this out. She would really like to add this mod. I have no idea how to do it. We have a PS4 and links to videos or forums with directions would be greatly appreciated!
Clueless mom who hasn’t touched a controller since Super Mario Bros.
Unfortunately all of these mods are for the PC version and we don’t really have any guidance for the PS4 version.
You could download the decoration mod to go with it (suggestion)
This is Awesome! I tried tons of others but they didn’t work, it would often say, crash has happened or we were unable to download! This is the only one that has ever worked for me! Please make more like this because that would make my Minecraft house awesome! besides I hate using fences and pressureplates as a table. But when I found this mod I almost just screamed like OMGGGGGGGG IT WORKS! Your Minecraft mod made that day the best day of my life! Thanks in advance, Aoushi Brown.
Is there any chance this will be updated for the Village and Pillage update, or will it already natively work with new versions of Minecraft?
How do you change the direction of the furniture? (Xbox one)
Cool mod Mr. Crayfish. Sincerely Isaiah
absolutely love this mod, wanted since I saw people using it on youtube, and now that I’ve bought
Minecraft, I can’t stop using it
Mr.Crayfish thanks for making a mods like this for all of us people to make a realistic places
I love love love your mod it made my Minecraft mansion 100x better
hi everyone, i have mc java and this doesn’t seem to be downloading right. it is supposed to download as a zip file but instead is downloading as a jar file. I’m solo annoyed because I really want this mod it looks really awesome!!! pls someone tell me how to fix this!!! sorry for ranting and everything.
hey, i rec. a few more kitchen supplies! maybe a fridge, oven, place able items, and some other appliances like a washer and dryer! it would really improve the mod! that really it, but just a recommendation!
What version of minecraft is this for? I kept trying to use it but it kept telling me that you needed to play an older version. I tried 1.16.4 as well as 1.12.2.
It’s for 1.16.4 and the download link has been updated. Alternatively you can go to the forum link and that goes to the curseforge page where you can get any version you want that’s available.
how does this work?
This is awesome it helps so much