The Doggy Talents Mod aims to massively improve the overall nature and behaviors of wolves by adding a slew of new abilities for wolves/dogs and allowing you to customize and train them more specifically to your needs. It gives you more training options for your pet and improves their abilities and traits. And it will even give your dog new markings when you level them up.
The mod adds a point system for training your wolves and subsequently dogs by increasing their stats through a variety of ways including feeding them four different tiers of treats. You will get more points the more your pet levels up and you can spend them in the interface that pops up when you right-click the wolf with a stick. So you can now have the option to upgrade different stats if you want to train them for specific traits like guarding or hunting or even healing. You will see the options with eighteen different categories to choose from as well as how many points you have available to spend for each trait.
In this same menu you can also have the ability to rename them as well as increase everything from their damage inflicted on enemies to the damage they take from enemies and how prone they are to attacking enemies. So you can train them to be more passive or aggressive depending on what you might need them to do for you. You can even train them to pick up dropped items for you and give you, which could be very beneficial if you take them mining with you. And you can even give them the ability to be a mount for faster travel. This can be especially useful if you would rather keep a wolf close by as opposed to a horse who won’t have the same upgradable traits that this mod allows. There are many more training skills and abilities listed more in depth on the forum as well so be sure to check that out for any advice or simply install the mod and try out anything that fits within your needs.
The treats that are added with this mod are pretty simple to make too. These will be very useful to help heal and upgrade your new friends and there are upgradable tiers for these as well that will provide more for the wolves as they go up. You’ll first need to craft the base level treat and then you’ll need to use that to upgrade to the next. So each tier will be required in stacks of five to craft the next level up.
You can even give your pet a bed and food bowl to make your him feel at home. This mod adds a variety of bed colors to choose from as well. So you can customize not just the frame that the bed is made from but also the pillow that they can rest on. This is a great way to further customize the items your wolf can interact with when you consider that you can also craft custom collars in a wide variety of colors as well! The collars can even be upgraded with a tracking radio so you will be able to find them wherever they may have wandered off to. And with the food bowls, you can simply right click them and you’ll be able to put food in its inventory slots. This will ensure they can have a sufficient amount of food available even when you are not around to feed them directly.
And for even more fun you can craft a throwing bone to play fetch! This can be crafted with just four bones surrounding a slime ball and you’ll get a cross shaped toy for them. You can then throw the toy and they will immediately run to catch and bring it back to you. This can help to build up a bond with them and further the abilities and traits you can give them. This mod also adds a dog whistle that can be very beneficial if you don’t have them following you at all times. You can use the whistle to change the behavior of the dogs to be more docile or aggressive as well as simply to heed your commands as you see fit.
This mod is really cool, but really glitchy. I would have so many dogs suddenly start getting hurt despite nothing happening around them. I couldn’t do anything to stop it, and they’d end up dying.
They start getting hurt because they need to eat. You just need to craft a food bowl and fill it periodically. Just like a real dog!
you need to feed your dog or it will start geting hurt and maybe die
yeah. just right click`em with some raw meat, and they`ll be all filled up. they don`t eat fish though.
you can feed them fish with a special trait!
You gotta treat it like a REAL dog, not a minecraft dog that can live on its own! All dogs need care, am I right?
I downloaded the mod, it worked for the first few minutes, I got a bed for my dog, and tried to move forward but it didn’t let me so I checked my controls and it was because I had the same controls as the dog mod, if that makes sense, so when i tried to change the controls minecraft crashed, and when I opened Minecraft again it crashed for no reason, the only way I could stop it from crashing was to delete the mod. Please help!
Try a later version if you can, also mess with your settings while whitout the mod.
i accidently dropped an item and one of my dogs has the bags that collect items, am i able to get them back because it didnt appear back in my inventory after it picked it up
you right click your dog with a wooden plank and you can get it back.
How do you dye beds?!
with the colour wool you want.. I think
You take the wood you want the bed to be colored and then take the wool you want to be colored. But I think some wools don’t work.
i cant craft a bed i am even doing the one shown in the picture with birch but it just wont craft it
you have to swap the bottom wool with the top wood planks
The reason you cant craft the dog bed is because the photo shown on this website is backwards the 2 pieces of wool go in the top two middle blocks the the bottom 2.
what does the shepherdog do?
hold wheat and the dog will gather any near live stock
Why can’t I craft beds?
If you know plz reply
But apart from that I love this mod.
You can’t craft beds because they showed the recipe wrong. You need to put a plank on the top left, a wool in the top middle, a plank on the top right, a plank on the middle left, a wool in the middle, a plank on the Middle right, and wood all across the bottom.
How do the dogs get the markings? Also, is there anyway to get more points when the dog is max level?
When you hurt your wolf or it gets hurt by something else it gets blood on it (which are the markings)
No,it only gets blood on it if it is burned or its health is at 0
I can’t seem to get the interface to come up and I’ve tried right clicking my dog with a stick? How do I do it?
I had this same issue on multiplayer. I ended up discovering my issue but don’t have a permanent fix. My issue was that the dog never got assigned an owner. I’ve been trying to figure out how to do it without nbteditor.
How do you get a dog to use the bed?
You just push them on.
Can you gain points on the highest level? If so , how?
I right clicked the dog with a stick but it did nothing. I’m in 1.8 like it said.
I tried again but it didn’t work.This mod is really glitchy.
Same for me. I also can’t craft the dog bed for some reason. I did /give @s doggytalents:dog_bed, hovered my mouse cursor over it and my game crashed. (Error code: -1) For some reason, it just won’t work for me. Does anyone have any tips?
How do you exit the dog talent screen (The one that pops up when your right click them with a stick) I’ve pressed every key + Shift and every key, I have to shut down minecraft completely whenever I want too leave
Can someone add different appearances? Like when you tame a wolf it takes on a new texture.
How to get rid of dogs:
Take them to a faraway place. Make them SIT.
Leave them there
I got the mod and it is awesome! just one thing, when I try to mount my dog with an empty hand it will only sit him down, I have already mastered the ability to do it too, I tried holding shift but that didn’t work
I wish doggy talents will add more powers so like they can shapeshift that would be really cool!