The Craft Convenience mod adds more functionality to standard Minecraft recipes and even improves a few. For instance, you can still craft stained blocks but now you can craft multiples up to 8 at a time. Just place the blocks to be dyed in the same crafting table surrounding a single piece of dye. This allows for gathering dyed materials at a much faster rate.
The same technique can be applied using blocks of slimeballs to make sticky pistons.
And now you can craft stairs with a much simpler recipe as well as using far less materials. Glass bottles can also be crafted with either glass panes or glass blocks. Panes yield 3 and blocks yield 8 bottles.
Even better with this mod is that you can easily upgrade your wooden tools using the proper ingots placed like the tools they represent.
The default crafting recipe of stairs has always bothered me. The amount of mass in 4 stair blocks exactly equals 3 full-sized blocks, so why should it take twice that to make them? I love this mod just for fixing that.